Tuesday, February 10, 2009

On drugs

My closest exposure to drug abuse has been through VH-1 (thank heavens!), so I do not know a whole lot about the terrible and addictive drugs that take over peoples' lives. But the drug that I think has the most ominous and terrible name is black tar heroin. Black. Tar. Heroin. Those are all bad words on their own, so when you put them together, it sounds like a bad, bad deal. I don't know what it is, and don't really care to.

I've picked up a cold, and when I was going to bed last night I knew I would need some sort of medicinal help to sleep. So I dug into the back of the cabinet and found a dusty bottle of original flavor NyQuil that expired more than two years ago. After careful consideration and throwing caution to the wind, I poured the prescribed dose and shot it back as efficiently as possible.

Sadly, I got a pretty good taste of that "original flavor" and thought: this is what black tar heroin must taste like.


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