Monday, November 29, 2004

that doesn't look right

I saw The Polar Express this weekend. It was pretty amazing - there were some scenes where the animation looked absolutely real. Then there was others that were distractingly bad. It occurred to me that the little girl character didn't look quite right. Then it struck me who she reminded me of. She looked more like Jack Nicholson as the Joker in Batman than a child. After that, it was kind of over for me. Overall I'd say it was good, but in a scary little girl going to kill you kind of way. If you go see it, check her out and let me know if you agree.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Me & the seniors

My work is rather boring. This is old news. But today when I was walking out to get the mail, I realized that I rush to the mailbox just like the older woman who lives down the block. I rush out soon after the mail's delivered hoping that there's something there to break the monotony of my day. Work, magazines, whatever, just something. I would imagine it's much the same for the older woman down the block. Just a thought.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

cuttin out heads & bodies

I'm working on a new project this week for the family thanksgiving this sunday. More to follow soon, including exciting photos!

Friday, November 12, 2004


I have one hell of a hangover for somebody who hasn't drank in a week. I'm going to have to confront my sister about slipping a roofie in my sprite last night.

Why does it take me an hour to get out of the house in the morning? I need to work on my routine. Maybe I had a delayed reaction to the roofie and blacked out in the shower.

I'm taking the afternoon off to go to a town with a Target. When I get to Target sometimes I roll around on the floor at the main entrance and give it a big hug & kiss. Occasionally when I'm walking down the street and see somebody in a red shirt, I start to cry. Take the suburban asshole out of suburbia and you're stuck with just a plain asshole.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

inconvenient timing

I was watching CSI New York last night, and in the last two minutes they were going to reveal how the guy killed a bunch of people in a cafe. Then CBS breaks in with news of Arafat's death, and interrupts the reveal that I had been waiting an hour for. The guy had been dead off and on all week, his actual death was not shocking news. Why break in at 9:58 and not wait until 10:00? Stupid network bastards.

A new home

We've moved! You can find me and myshblog (formerly shblog) here.